08 gru EduSenior – 10 trójmiejskich edukatorek z wizytą studyjną w Oslo

Nasza ekipa jest pod wrażeniem wspaniałych praktyk i nowych inspiracji. Pozytywnie naładowane wróciłyśmy do Polski z ogromną chęcią zaimplementowania chociaż części praktyk pracy z seniorami w naszych organizacjach.
Dziekujemy Bjerkaker LearningLab za wsparcie w organizacji wizyty
A team of 10 wonderful Tri-City educators, animators, activists working with and for seniors on a study visit to Oslo as part of the EduSenior project.
During the visit:
we got to know our Norwegian partner Bjerkaker LearningLab,
we visited Sentralen,
we also visited Seniornett Norge – dealing with digital education of seniors,
Sagene Torshov eldreuniversitet – district senior university,
Voksenopplæringsforbundet (Vofo) – umbrella organization of life long learning institutions in Norway,
Grønland seniorsenter – senior day home,
Digital Bestemor – dealing with the support of seniors in the use of digital devices,
in our free time we admired the winter charms of Oslo,
Our team is impressed by great practices and new inspirations. Positively charged, we returned to Poland with a great desire to implement at least some of the practices of working with seniors in our organizations.
We thank Bjerkaker LearningLab for their support in organizing the visit.
The EduSenior project benefits from funding received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Funds.
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